Spad XIII by Eduard Weekend Edition 1/48

A very easy to build (and cheap to buy) biplane. Model by Luca Cinacchio

The kit has a good amount of detail, no fitting problem and it is easy to build... do not be scaried just because it is a biplane.

In the painting process i used the old method to masking the wing as you see in the pic, to suggest the real effect of the fabric.

The only, big problem I had, partly ruining the model, was during the weather. I wanted to suggest a dusty look, so i decided ti spray an AK enamel dust wash on the full painted, varnished e decaled model, to work it after few minutes with a brush damped with white spirit. Ok... first the wash clogged not one but two airbrushes (Iwata HP with 0.3 nozzle and H&S with 0.6 nozzle), regardless how much i thinned it.

Then after curing with some minutes, when i started to work it with the damped brush, it didn't work at all as usually an enamel wash does... It looked more like almost dry pigments, and it left everywhere horrible spots. I worked and reworked with the white spirit it, but some patina left here and there. As a result i trowed away this lovely AK product (yea, i know i read somewhere that now these products are improved, and that mine was an old batch with some troubles,... yea, but i have 20 jars like that, damn it, that i payd !)

So now let's talk the images.




There are tons and tons of video-tutorials about scale models, dispersed on the Net. But only a few are truly worth to watch. We select the best and only the best video-tutorials: building, detailing, painting, weathering, dioramas and more.

We just finished to tag all the videos in our archives, and the first results is here: a selection of tutorials about the weathering in scale models: all what you need to know to give to your models the perfect dirty or dusty or rusty look!