Landscapes of War - The Greatest Guide Dioramas

Accion Press
Landscapes of War - The Greatest Guide - Dioramas Vol I
Review Type: 
In depth
Contents & Media: 
112 pages, A4 format, quality paper
The best guide to the dioramas around at the moment, in my opinion. Price is also a true business
Not easy to find in some countries... But you can buy it online.
Final verdict: 
If you want to really improve your diorama skill, and / or confront yourself with new techniques, this is the book for you. Very recomended to any modeler of any skill

I love dioramas! Each time that on internet pops put some new masterwork i spend minutes watching fascinated those images. But my technique in dioramas is very basic: so along the years i collected various volumes about this topic.

Some are very good, others were honestly disappointing, but i had not yet found the book that truly opened to me a new perspective to how to approach a diorama, as happened for the weathering years ago first with the Jimenez FAQ and a couple of years ago with the Mike Rinaldi's book mainly focused on the OPR method.

Then last week i got this new volume published by the Spanish Accion Press, written by Rodrigo Hernandez Cabos with the cooperation of a team of Masters of Modelling, and suddenly I felt that I found MY book about dioramas.

What catched my attention is not just the amazing quality of the dioramas proposed, but the way that the Author used to explain techniques, materials, composition and so on... Step by step, but not just a boring illustration of what the author is doing, but an almost endless collection of resources, tips, suggestions and so on.

Printed on quality paper of big A4 format, with 112 pages filled with great images and every clear text in English, this volume (or book?) offers a very high value for money, because it is offered at only 19,50 Euros.

The quality of the english text has been improved respect to the past (much better than mine, lol), and another welcome addition is also that the graphic layout of the pages is now more "free" and attractive.

To give you an idea of what you will find inside the book, without any copyright infringement, I filmed for you a quick video while i was flipping the pages of this book: i will add it here, before the images. The quality is not the best, because i recorded it with a small spycam bought for 10 dollars on ebay, with no screen display,  that i clipped on my eye-glasses while filming, lol. But i think it will be enough for the purpose.






There are tons and tons of video-tutorials about scale models, dispersed on the Net. But only a few are truly worth to watch. We select the best and only the best video-tutorials: building, detailing, painting, weathering, dioramas and more.

We just finished to tag all the videos in our archives, and the first results is here: a selection of tutorials about the weathering in scale models: all what you need to know to give to your models the perfect dirty or dusty or rusty look!