Ford Custom Pickup Truck 40s, Revell 1/24

Model, text and images by Luca Cinacchio

Last summer I decided to build something a little unusual for me (usually i build planes and armors only), and having since long time this kit in the stash, I went with it.
Being not a car modeler, I cannot express a well formed opinion about the kit: I found it not so easy to assemble, but still enjoyable.

The Build

The kit and mt loyal assistent: my beagle dog Portos (like the Captain's Archer beagle in Star Trek Enterprise)
Construction started with the engine: to paint it I used different tones of ModelMaster metallic buffable colors.
Wheels were the next, painted with Tamiya rubber color and slightly weathered.
Similar colors were used for the radiator too.
For the seats I decided to use 2 different colors, so I masked them.
Doors were primed, masked and painted
Here how they look after painting and detailing.

The model was primed with Vallejo primer polyurethane black.

To paint the body I used Humbrol enamel 51: a pinkish/reddish metallic color, that I thinned very much.

I sprayed it in very thin coats, and in 2 airbrushing sessions: not less than 10 coats vere needed to reach this result. The nice thing is that with the back primer underneath, the paint got a slightly different tone, more attractive.

Then i placed the engine in place and painted with a brush some small details, like the bactery.
It was time to simulate the wood grains: on the formerly painted wood color (from the Vallejo range), i brushed some thinned umber oil paint, working it to achieve the effect.
The metallic strips were painted, and a yellow/ochre filter added.
To break the color of the car's body, I decided to paint the external side of the doors in a different color, a metallic blue from the Vallejo Aircolor range.
Here to body of the car almost fully assembled...

...and the completed model.



There are tons and tons of video-tutorials about scale models, dispersed on the Net. But only a few are truly worth to watch. We select the best and only the best video-tutorials: building, detailing, painting, weathering, dioramas and more.

We just finished to tag all the videos in our archives, and the first results is here: a selection of tutorials about the weathering in scale models: all what you need to know to give to your models the perfect dirty or dusty or rusty look!